The Anthurium Clarinervium is highly prized for its exquisite heart-shaped leaf, which has pronounced white veining and is beautifully velvety and cardboard-like. These charming plants are a true showstopper in any collection and are quite simple to maintain. The Anthurium belongs to the Aroid Family and is native to Southern Mexico. In the humid and warm jungles, epiphytes are frequently observed growing in trees and absorbing moisture and nutrients through their extensive roots. As their ideal conditions are satisfied, they become quite simple to care for.



Between 40 and 65 cm in height, with a 50 to 1 m spread. The size of leaves can range from 20 to 25 centimeters.

Water and Light:

Mostly prefer bright, filtered light. In between every watering, let the soil dry out eighty percent. Steer clear of damp soil since it will decay. Water your Anthurium frequently to ensure its success. Continue to keep the soil evenly moist, but avoid waterlogging.


High to average humidity is ideal. Water less frequently in high humidity. Anthurium velvet cardboard is native to a tropical rainforest. If you Buy Rare Anthurium Clarinervium, spray the plant frequently with low-lime water to replicate the humidity of the jungle, or set a bowl of water next to it or on the radiator.

Soil and Temperature:

A well-draining, airy organic potting mix that has been enhanced with perlite and a few medium-sized bark fragments. The range of ideal temperatures is 18°C to 26°C.


From spring until summer, use a well-balanced organic fertilizer once a month. Throughout the growing season, give your velvet cardboard anthurium regular fertilization. An excellent source of vital nutrients and microbes that encourage root development and enhance phosphate uptake is fertilizer.


Cut off old, brown leaves at the base of the plant with a sharp knife. This leaf eliminates the plant's energy source. Pruning velvet cardboard anthurium is not necessary.


Plant in a pot with a high-quality potting mix that has been supplemented with 20% perlite and 20% medium bark chips, no more than 3 cm larger than the planter—just large enough to accommodate the roots but not too spacious. 


By root division, Anthurium Clarinervium can be propagated most effectively. Look for the organic borders that separate your larger plant from the smaller ones when you transplant it.

To buy rare high-quality Anthurium Clarinervium plants, visit our website, Beleaf Tropicals. They provide an Anthurium Clarinervium, a genuine statement plant that will provide charm and simplicity to any bright light space when presented in a straightforward pot.


In Conclusion, a species of the flamingo flower genus Anthurium, which is a member of the arum family (Araceae), is Anthurium clarinervium, also known as the velvet cardboard anthurium. Anthurium needs a lot of humidity and rain often. Velvet cardboard anthurium gathers water from its huge, heart-shaped, dark green leaves because it never touches the ground. Though its flowers are not very outstanding, the velvet cardboard anthurium is a popular houseplant because of its stunning white patterns on the leaves.